"Petit Monaco": ce qui rend le E-Prix de Zurich spécial | Julius Baer
A racetrack that winds through Zurich city centre, takes the all-electric cars past Lake Zurich, and demands everything of the drivers – planning and designing a city course such as this is challenging. It is not by chance that the 2018 Zurich E-Prix will be held in the heart of Zurich. After all, bringing the technologies of the future to the people is part of the Formula E concept.
How will we live tomorrow? How will our mobility evolve and how can we help shape the future? Innovation calls for courage and determination, which is why we have been investing in Formula E right from the start as a Founding Global Partner. Because the future and the next generation are important to us.
The campaign #Window2theFuture serves as an inspiration and food for thought but does not claim to predict the future accurately.
Read more on https://future.juliusbaer.com/en/